Market & Reference Data
The lifeblood of the investment industry.
Market & Reference Data are essential
assets to trading participants in Financial
and Energy markets.
Market & Reference Data
Market and reference data are essential assets to the business operations of financial and energy trading firms. It represents many data categories, including real-time prices and news, valuations, indices, credit ratings, ESG ratings, fundamentals, earnings estimates, corporate actions, as well as weather forecasts, freight data, etc.
This domain is difficult to manage due to the complexities associated to its legal frameworks as well as the dynamics around the user community and its data usage. Yet, market and reference data are typically one of the top 3 expense areas within user firms.

Today’s market data industry is a mature, yet dynamic market, valued at close to USD 32 bln. and dominated by Bloomberg and LSEG. It is characterized by concentration activity on the one hand, on the other there still appears to be sufficient space for new niche players, offering innovations driven by technological developments, business trends and/or regulation.
The financial industry and energy trading industry are facing a continuous development, driven by changes in customer requirements and regulation, as well as the continuous internal call for more efficiency and product innovation. As a result, data user firms face many challenges, including tracking & reporting data usage to stay compliant with contractual obligations, as well as the continuous call for response to business & industry developments, including regulation and new technology.
Our experience goes back to the mid-nineties of the previous century, when the market for market data distribution systems started to develop. Since then, the market & reference data landscape has been subject to many changes, as a result of technology developments and changes in the trading industry. Since then, we have helped our customers to cope with their data challenges.
At TCAM we deploy a holistic approach towards market data & reference data domains, i.e. we touch upon all its aspects: content, financials, legal and technology.

Thanks to this approach we are in a unique position to provide best-balanced advises and solutions. You may call us market & reference data generalists.
Our employability bandwidth spans from strategic to tactical level. With respect to the latter, you can rely on us to bear responsibility for processes such as Demand Management, Vendor & Contract Management and Inventory Management. We continuously monitor the industry to determine data product developments, M&A activity and regulatory developments.